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Lover of all things film, ready to tell you what to avoid, and more importantly, what to seek out.

Saturday 16 October 2010


Back to safer ground this time around after the horrifically disastrous flirtation with the rom-com (Couples Retreat). I added this little film to my Lovefilm list after vaguely recalling coming across a positive review at some point over the last year or so.

Once it landed on my doormat I did a bit of research and found that it was made by a familiar name - Christopher Smith. His first film Creep, set on the London Underground, one was half of a brilliant thriller/Horror. The claustrophobia and terror in that film was fantastic before it descended into typical genre fare with Descent like monsters running around. Severance, his second, went for the comedy horror angle and was a decent stab at it, starring Danny Dyer before he became hugely irritating and began to pop up in ever bad British film released (straight to DVD of course).

Triangle is more akin to his first film, much more serious in tone, but he also seems to have matured. The opening credits look fantastic, seemingly random images with a beautiful soundtrack cracking up the intrigue. We are then thrown into the storyline which I will only dip into - I don't want to be giving away any spoilers.

6 friends take an idyllic sailing trip but come across a freak storm which leaves their boat capsized and in the middle of nowhere. To their relief a massive ocean liner turns up and rescues them. That is where the fun, games and terror begin. At first you think you're watching a typical slasher film but in a different location but then things unravel beautifully taking you into a confusing thread which constantly keeps you guessing. It's fare to say that when watching the film you get the hook of exactly what is happening quite quickly after that but you are never sure where it is going to end up.

The majority of the cast don't get a great deal to do other than Melissa George who is fantastic in this. Without without giving anything away, her character goes through a number of different emotions and the character changes considerably, a few times, during the 99 minute running time. Its a brave role for her to play and she pulls it off admirably.

The horror of the film is top notch as well. Its not overly gory so that when there is claret no screen it is genuinely shocking and really catches you off guard. There are some fantastically creepy moments in the film, imagery that really stays with you long after the film finishes. It's worth mentioning here though that although the concept of this film is very original some elements owe a lot to films we've seen before. Ghost Ship and The Shining spring to mind immediately but that is not necessarily a criticism, more of an observation.

So with Halloween approaching, I'm sure people will be thinking about a night in with a couple of DVDs to get their yearly dose of horror. Rather than reaching for the recent remakes of 80's horror films, I would really recommend giving this a go. An intellingently crafted and fantastically interesting story that keeps you guessing constantly, doesn't treat the viewer as an idiot and will give it's fair share of scares and freaky moments. It also has a good pay-off at the end that will mean you keep thinking about the Triangle days after you've sent the DVD back to Lovefilm of Blockbuster.

NB - I'd like to say that the trailer I've included here doesn't really do it justice. It's much more delicate in it's tone without the wallop of the loud music. But it doesn't need that wallop. See it and you will know what I mean.

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